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What To Do in Cape Town – Join Hermanus Whale Watchers on a whale watching trip

Inspiring to see the plane, whale watching in South Africa by Inspi Rock

Things to do in Cape Town in June – December. What about whale watching? by Holiday Weather

The coolest day trips from 11 cities around the globe – When in Cape Town…go whale watching in Hermanus.  This fishing village along the south coast of South Africa’s Western Cape is a prime spot for whale-watching enthusiasts. Between June and November, the southern right whales—often more than 50ft in length and up to 60 tonnes in weight—make their way towards the shore to mate and reproduce. by Condé Nast Traveller

The Whale Watchers Hermanus bietet Ihnen auf einer 2-stündigen Bootstour ein unvergessliches Ozeanabenteuer mit Delphin- und Walbeobachtung. Sichten Sie von unserem Katamaran aus Südkaper Wale, die sich hier an der Walküste (Juni – Dezember) einfinden. Genießen Sie auf dem Rückweg die Aussicht, erfrischende Getränke und Chips, die unsere qualifizierten Naturführer servieren. by Africa Adventure

Boat-based whale watching is a safe but exciting activity for young and old. It gives one a close-up experience with the Southern Right Whale, in Walker Bay between June and December. Hermanus is the heart of Whale Watching in South Africa where more than 100 whales come to mate, calf and frolic each year. A trip on the registered whale watching boat almost guarantees an unforgettable encounter with these awesome creatures. by Active Activities

Hermanus is recognized by the World Wildlife Fund as “one of the 12 best whale watching destinations in the world”. In honor of the Whale Festival, I booked a boat-based whale watching tour in Walker Bay! Most tour companies I contacted were fully booked for the weekend, but I didn’t give up. Hermanus Whale Watchers managed to squeeze me into a Sunday morning tour by Solo Travel Journal

Whale Watchers Hermanus – The Southern Right Whale found a safe place to breed and calf in Walkerbay, Hermanus. Boat Based Whale Watching with the Whale Watchers brings you up close with these amazing mammals. The Whale Watchers is the choice for clients who appreciate a more exclusive excursion by http://hermanus.co.za 

The Hermanus boat based whale watching company who aims to make your lifetime dream a personal experience. A voyage on ocean going our boat, Unathi, takes you to experience one of the most unique marine experiences found anywhere, the mating and calving of Southern Right Whales! Whale Watching in South Africa. by Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Every year, southern right whales travel to our shores from Antartica, treating locals to a spectacle of breaching, blowing, frolicking and fluking, amongst another playful camaraderie. If you’re lucky, you may catch a glimpse of the occasional humpback or orca, as well as the ever elusive Bryde’s Whale with its unmistakable, ridged underside. Whale watching with Hermanus Whale Watchers, book your trip. by Cape Town ETC

Hermanus Whale Watchers is a boat-based whale watching company offering an exciting up-close and personal encounter with Southern Right Whales in their natural environment during whale watching season (June – December). by Portfolio Collection

The Southern Right Whales come to the shores of the Cape Whale Coast from June till November each year to mate and calve in the shallow waters. There are also visiting Brydes and Humpback whales. There are also boat-based whale watching that start out from Hermanus and Gansbaai to give travellers an adventure on sea. The weather plays a huge role in the experience and if conditions are good then there are boat trips leaving at 09:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 15:00 daily. Areas designated for boat based whale watching have been carefully selected so as not to interfere with the whales’ habitat. There are three whale watching boats that leave Hermanus New Harbour for daily trips weather permitting. by Cape Whale Coast

Avistamiento de ballenas francas en Sudáfrica
En las frías aguas sudafricanas, no solo el gran blanco tiene su territorio marcado. De Abril a Noviembre es posible avistar ballenas francas a lo largo de la costa sudafricana. A tan solo hora y media de Ciudad del Cabo, en el puerto del pueblo de Hermanus, varias empresas ofrecen la experiencia de surcar las aguas en busca del deseado encuentro con este gran cetáceo. Os contamos nuestra experiencia viendo (a lo lejos) las ballenas francas en Hermanus. by Paco and Vero Travels

In Südafrika wartet an jeder Ecke ein neues Abenteuer – ob mit dem Motorrad durch die Wüste, Auge in Auge mit wilden Tieren oder auf Klettertour durch Felsschluchten. Zahlreiche Erlebnistouren quer durch das Land bieten den ganz besonderen Adrenalinkick. Die Besucher werden in einem Käfig ins Meer gelassen und können so Weiße Haie beobachten. Wer lieber an der Oberfläche bleibt, kann sich auf einem Boot bei HermanusbeiBoot bei Hermanus auf das Meer fahren lassen. Von Juni bis November können Besucher hier Wale beobachten, die sich in diesen Monaten vor der südafrikanischen Küste paaren und ihre Jungen gebären. by KAP Express Online

Hermanus an der Küste Südafrikas ist einer der Whale-Watching-Hot-Spots der Welt. Über 400.000 Menschen kommen jedes Jahr hierher, um die riesigen Südkaper zu sehen – auch von Land aus. by Whale Trips

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